Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Should one preserve past memories. ?
Are they functional or dysfunctional ?
Are they necessary ?
are they stepping stone or stumbling block..
Do they act as benchmark ?
or each memory is unique and is not connected ?
Do they put one away from living in present moment ?


Today it was very hot whole day.. after evening - it was time for some speedy wind and some awesome climate..I took XL campus walk alone with some silent music...

What experience it was... now a days when i always feel in-secured about 'permanent alone state' that each human being is in...this time it was moment to get connected with nature.. there is some energy in blowing winds, flowing water, rising sun and full moon...something is there.. Although it is difficult to be connected for long time as something inside rushes outside to share all that.. and that moment just breaks..but today it was real contentment...

i am going to miss this xLrI campus after 2 years :(...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Falling leaves

Season of falling leaves...Time to change :(
Beautiful campus with heavy emotions....................
time to detach from past memories and at the same time excitement for starting new life cycle..
For any one who is in education profession - month of March and April are for saying bye bye...And waiting for June to say welcome again...
Everybody want to be DJ of rang de basanti...
Is there any tree which has no falling leaves ?
Is life of that tree more happier ?