Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I am !!

Idiot by choice....
I prefer to be vulnerable..
I know trusting everyone blindly might lead that one day you will be mistrust and cheated..
But then i am at advantage...
I realized that cost for mistrust or cheating from others that you would pay in some cases is always less than cost that you pay for all cases on day to day basis to lie, to not to believe, to monitor all transaction, to evaluate, to doubt, to reject, to avoid, to remain conscious,
My friends, i know i am fool..
But i am calculatively so....i think in wholesome and not transaction-wise..

Become vulnerable - Mission Innocence...Join it !!
The world will be the happiest when everyone is innocent.


Hariharan Ragunathan said...

Finally a post from you after a long time..But a good post..Dont know what incident made you write this..take care

Gaurav Marathe said...

no particular incidence..
just some reflection on how my journey is for last few years...and how it will be in future..