Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pro Anna or Anti Anna - par sab Bhrashtachar ko to hai mitana

Dear Friends,

When we are going under this intellectual turmoil, and one group supporting Anna for systematic level changes through some bill and other group opposing the fight having problem with means and leadership or democracy, what COMMON across all of us is that we are more AWARE and we want CHANGE..

If this intellectual turbulence is not converted into some action then everything is waste.. Those who support, they think one way as right way to have corruption free India, while other think we need some other better way.. But what all want is CORRUPTION FREE INDIA.

All of us know whether we participate in rallies, whether we discuss and oppose Anna by writing blogs, we are contributing very little to actual system level changes.. When we will be in place with that power to make decisions, we will do it according to our own perspectives..

But right now , all of us are surely out of the inertia that we used to be in case of corruption. Many of us may not have done any corruption before... but i have.. I have given bribe to TC to have seat preference, I have not taken bill to save tax, I have paid lumsum money to traffic police... I was not mindful that i am contributing to corruption.. but with this churning, now i am more aware...

whether you are Pro- or Anti Anna, you can surely contribute to this positive energy in our country by deciding some personal level SANKALPA's.

I have decided 5 corruption free sankalpa's at personal level,

a] I am not going to bribe TC..
b] I will always take Bill wherever possible and will not avoid WAT.
c] I will not pay bribe to police.
d] I will not allow my friends to pay bribe whenever i am with them.
e] Iwill not speak lie to anyone to create wrong self image.

Now whether it is lokpal bill or janlokpal bill (you can have your own views), Whether democratic way or autocratic way (you can have your own views), systematic level changes will evolve through policy makers.. we have created enough movementum that they need to think.

But all of us together say (10 lakhs) people who are active on facebook and really love their country, with their differences if decide any such five personal Sankalpa's/Oath, we can contribute to our country on this occasion.. Who knows these personal change might lead to systematic level changes and really our India can really become corruption free country at even system level..

I request all of you, whether you are Pro or Anti Anna group, if you believe you are taking any of this stance with good intentions, then please come up with such personal level sankalpa's which will change your personal life as token of this pro or anti fight...System badale na badale - khudako to badal hi sakate hai... chahe aap ho pro anna ya anti anna , Bhrashtachar mita hi sakate hai...!!!!

(Share your such Sankalpa's with your friends on facebook.. and become more constructive.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


  1. The person who is coming to this world has to leave this world…….Is there anyone who is immortal?
  2. Desires help you to pass your time. But there is never complete satisfaction. One desire creates other desire.. It just goes on.
  3. When you have certain interpretation of life, you feel engaged and completely engrossed and you forget about past and future and that moment you are able to pass your time well.
  4. So everything comes down to the central question about how well you are able to pass the given time?
  5. You are passing your time happily, suddenly something new information is added in your complexity. Now same interpretation is unable to answer the new complexity. So higher level interpretation comes to understand the new complexity and you are able to pass your time well again.
  6. Some people get interpretation from such higher level of complexity that they are able to pass their time well without changing it.. Some people are lucky/unlucky to never increase their complexity and lower level interpretation able to drive their whole life.
  7. So to pass the time, many interpretations have evolved. From food, sleep, sports, hobbies, sex, work & relationships to identity, meaning, religion & culture.. All of them are nothing but drivers for life-time pass.
  8. Thus there is search for two issues, anchor to pass your time well.. You will like to have anchor which will be stable even with higher level of complexity and secondly how to pass this time happily… so how to get that happiness?
  9. Now I will just take two cases and will compare them. One is based on anchor that man is selfish animal. It is all about getting more and more and fulfilling the desires. That is purpose of life. Second is based on anchor that man is nothing but manifestation of divinity and it is all about expanding you and working towards realization?
  10. With First case, you need to work on improving your anchor for each phase of life. Also happiness from materialistic world is marginal utility function. The more and more you get; the each new consumption gives to you less than previous. So happiness decreases, there is need of new anchors and time-pass becomes extremely difficult at certain phase of life.
  11. With second case, anchor is something non-refutable.. It can sustain with the highest level of complexity. Also happiness is exponential function. Spiritual journey – each new destination gives you infinite more happiness than previous. So happiness increases, anchor becomes more and more stable and time-pass becomes extremely easy. With such a ease you just come out of the cycle of birth – death…
  12. With this I complete my time-pass for last two-three hrs on given sunday morning..

Thursday, May 12, 2011


When reality forces me to see down, dreams even become stronger and stronger and i get more and more energy.. you may call this as "day dreaming disorder (DDD)"

consider situation, where i have rs 10...there is one shop selling some stuff for rs 20.. Without thinking twice, i go there and tell him give me that thing - I have just rs 10.. i will give you remaining rs 10 afterwards..And he happily gives that thing to me.. :)

And slowly slowly this world changes... through self purification, transactions are replaced by transformation..there is no currency...when there is no insecurity where comes the concept of security ?

no body need to trust each other.. It is given.. there is no risk aversion, there is no doubt.. everything is just pure and simple.. ya.. This existence of earth itself become market for purification of mankind..Value creation gets the new meaning..

I think - I am also getting under Ideal World Disorder !! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I am thinking about one thing from yesterday.
We went into market to take our photographs.. bill was 100.. and he called us to collect photographs after two hrs.. and then we paid him 50 rs in advance and decided to pay 50 afterwards..And then we felt afterwards that why don't we just trust others... Is he going to give us different photo than what we are ? Then why only 50% advanced ? And now he is going to do same thing with some other person... He will not give anything without advance.. and we are corrupting the world..

What are our assumptions on which we are working in this world ? If i start giving advance 100% with full trust, will that lead to exponential change of trust in this world..Someone need to start changing these assumptions of self-interest, rational, greedy human beings..Otherwise all our strategies will remain just surface level interventions.. We can just postponed the bad end of this world and without really making any big difference...

Can we just pay what Autowala wants without arguing.. Can we just not bargain in market... Can we just stop this system of security deposit for our own rental house.. Can we ?
atleast at some places, atleast at some locations, can we start increasing our faith and our trust in other human beings..?

One need to change his assumptions about this world and world will change.. We need to have correct design principles at place to evolve this cosmos in better world..

Friday, April 8, 2011


Experiencing my fast

I decided to keep one day fast to support the anti corruption bill. I am not aware of what this fight exactly is. But I really felt from my heart that this is some good cause – I should support. My consciousness said to me to follow it. As a student of leadership and OB, I am really doubtful whether Anna hazare has enough leadership qualities to read the situation and lead this movement..But at personal level I strongly felt that “goodness” within me should go on fast for one day to support this positive energy. And I did that …

When I was on fast – I learned so many things – I am classifying it at three level.

A] I had constant feeling that I am supporting some real good thing and some kind of positive wave is getting build up throughout the country. I can feel that I am part of this big system and some or other day I will contribute something to it. Although I was alone fasting at my place.. I was never alone !!

B] Then my consciousness told me that there is time yet to come when you can lead anything.. you are still small one learning on your own weakness..It reminded me of all the corruptions as an individual I carried out for this system. I decided never to bribe TC for ticket (which I had sometime), never to buy black ticket and never to save WAT by not having bill.. I decided to improve on these three things as my personal sankalpa’s to improve this system by individual efforts...

C] Then my consciousness told me to go further down. Who I am to think about system when – this “I” itself is corrupt.. It told me that systems will come and go.. what about you..? And I recalled all lies I had told to so many people so many times.. the burning hunger decided to burn my “corrupt I”.. I remembered – how much impure am i.. I decided not to lie those things which I am doing for so many days.. I can’t go back to each one and remove that.. but I can do to my close friends.. I never cleared NDA mains.. I never cleared IIT screening.. these were two most common lies - I was sharing in some different groups.

The hunger fire of one day fast connected me to system level, individual level and also something inside me..The human life is about making yourself pure.. it is about building ego and then dissolving it.. It is really beautiful journey..

By experiencing these Gandhi (More about Indian)way, My faith is surely increased now than the way I used to do only by reading or criticizing…

Either we get excited or we give it.. there can be always some path in between of "learning"..

Life is all about constant learning..

Sunday, April 3, 2011


What a great day... India winning world cup...
I was watching it @ sports Dhaba in XLRI.. I was able to make some interesting observations and thus some food for thinking..
When Sachin was batting, one person was standing with his one leg on chair.. other person was constantly smoking and not giving even little space between two smokes..and there were so many other people who were thinking - it is because of them (by wearing same t-shirt, by sitting at particular location, by not watching, by doing some or other thing ) that Sachin was playing safely because of their action..:):).. And when Sachin got out, most of them really thought that it happened because of them...
I don't know how this thing will work out - if 1 billion people are responsible for Sachin's outcome :).. most difficult calculations for god..

But my point is something different..
In one direction,
Interesting most of these people - when it comes to their personal life - think that they can't do anything.. they don't have control over their own life..For Sachin to play, they will stand whole day on one leg without eating anything. but for their personal life, they are completely losers...
In other direction,
some of these people will consider their neighbors, friends, umpire, prime minister, calender date responsible for getting Sachin out.. .but in their personal life they will think everything happens because of them.. No external situation, force is responsible in their own case.. as if they have complete control over their life..

Point is either we think we have complete control over our life or we think we absolutely don't have...We never make perfect balance.. Happiness lies in pragmatic shifting of locus either to external or internal event..:)
When Sachin is playing, we do all the things to be happy, if he gets out we mostly forget our contribution and give credit to other person for changing his position.. When he is playing we think - it is because of t-shirt i am wearing.. :) Actually it is all about our perception to make ourselves happy.. Why not shift our locus pragmatically in our own life ? Live life happily.. Anyway - it is so complex, we are never going to understand it.. so use shifting of locus to live it peacefully..

Friday, April 1, 2011


Mother has written about 4 kinds of love – a] you love some material for pleasure, b] you love someone in expectation of return love, c] you love someone till you are getting space to express it. There are no return expectations but you need some token, d] Divine love – where you just love…

Divine love is very easy to understand but difficult to apply & human love happens without any forced awareness but very difficult to understand… Why it is like this?

Initially I used to think possessiveness, security, desires, expectations, attachment and all such characteristics are associated with human love. These things create trouble and are absent in divine love. In divine love – it is just love. So instead of focusing on different object of love that is human and divine – I was thinking that process of love is different

I think love either emerges or creates feeling of security, possessiveness, expectations, companionship. These are part and parcel of the process which we called as love. Now problem is that actually human love can’t give you constant security, possessiveness, fulfillment of expectations…It is really very finite. Either time will get over, people will change, over the time intensity will decrease.. some or other thing will happen. So we are always in constant fear of losing these things that are acting as love. So either one of these things get over – that is security gets converted into insecurity, we lose possession, we lose our companion, we are not able to fulfill expectations and love creates trouble. Even if these things are there – fear creates trouble. Now in case of divine love – security, possessiveness, expectations, companionship everything is there. But you know now object is divine – infinite, permanent… there is permanent security, companionship and possessiveness. There are no chances of these things getting converted into opposite. There is no fear so divine love always gives you constant happiness and bliss.

Now I think divine love is not difficult to apply. It is same human love only object we have changed. Now there is no need to fear, it is going to give you joy full time. This realization also helps you to overcome fear in human love. It is finite one. So you start enjoying present moments and don’t get upset when it changes its form. We need to start loving and enjoying our company. We need to start loving divinity in nature and in other people. Once we have divine love, human love becomes very easy to understand. There is kind of peace and permanent happiness

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Should one preserve past memories. ?
Are they functional or dysfunctional ?
Are they necessary ?
are they stepping stone or stumbling block..
Do they act as benchmark ?
or each memory is unique and is not connected ?
Do they put one away from living in present moment ?


Today it was very hot whole day.. after evening - it was time for some speedy wind and some awesome climate..I took XL campus walk alone with some silent music...

What experience it was... now a days when i always feel in-secured about 'permanent alone state' that each human being is in...this time it was moment to get connected with nature.. there is some energy in blowing winds, flowing water, rising sun and full moon...something is there.. Although it is difficult to be connected for long time as something inside rushes outside to share all that.. and that moment just breaks..but today it was real contentment...

i am going to miss this xLrI campus after 2 years :(...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Falling leaves

Season of falling leaves...Time to change :(
Beautiful campus with heavy emotions....................
time to detach from past memories and at the same time excitement for starting new life cycle..
For any one who is in education profession - month of March and April are for saying bye bye...And waiting for June to say welcome again...
Everybody want to be DJ of rang de basanti...
Is there any tree which has no falling leaves ?
Is life of that tree more happier ?